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Brawling passenger slaps steward, gets banned from airline

A man was banned from flying with Ryanair again after he slapped an employee. Screenshot / Canal 4 Tenerife
Shocking video of a brawling passenger getting punched in the face right after he slapped a flight steward is making the rounds on social media.
The Mirror reported that on July 4, a fight broke out on a Ryanair flight from Liverpool to Tenerife, causing the plane to divert to Santiago.
Police were contacted about the disruption before the flight was forced to make an emergency landing.
Initially posted on Canal 4 Tenerife’s Facebook page, the video, which appeared to be taken by a passenger, shows several flight attendants helping a man who had been disruptive place his luggage in the overhead compartment when suddenly he slaps one of them.
Shocked passengers are heard jeering when moments later another passenger lunged and threw a punch at the man’s face, prompting an even louder uproar from onlookers onboard.


El aeropuerto de Santiago registró este pasado jueves (4 de julio) un nuevo aterrizaje de emergencia forzado por un pasajero conflictivo. En esta ocasión, el contratiempo ha afectado al pasaje y a la tripulación de un vuelo de Ryanair procedente de Liverpool con destino a Tenerife Sur.

La tripulación del FR4346 operado por la aerolínea irlandesa comunicó a los controladores del Rosalía de Castro que tenían un pasajero conflictivo a bordo, por lo que necesitaban desviarse a Santiago.

Según informan los controladores aéreos en sus redes sociales, les facilitaron descenso continuado y aproximación directa con prioridad al aeropuerto compostelano.

Mientras tanto, se coordinó con Lavacolla la presencia de la policía y de un médico a la llegada del vuelo a la terminal compostelana. Además del contratiempo para los viajeros de esa aeronave, un Boeing 737 con capacidad para 188 pasajeros, la operación también alteró los tiempos de otros enlaces que operaban en Lavacolla, en una tarde con mucha actividad.

La tripulación del vuelo FR4346 de Ryanair solicitó cambiar la ruta para tomar tierra en el Rosalía de Castro, donde la policía y un equipo médico esperaron al viajero
Ryanair confirmed that the man has now been banned from flying with them.
In a statement sighted by the Mirror, the airline said: “This flight from Liverpool to Tenerife [July 4] diverted to Santiago after a passenger became disruptive onboard. Crew called ahead for police assistance and the aircraft was met by local police upon arrival who removed this passenger before this flight continued to Tenerife.”
It continued: “This passenger has since been banned from flying with Ryanair.”
It comes as two British men flew from London’s Luton Airport to Portugal wearing a custom-made super-sized coat concealing 30kg of luggage to deceive Ryanair.
One of them was also wearing a tent.
When YouTuber Joshua Pieters and his friend Archie Manners decided to book their flights to Portugal in June, they also hatched a plan to try and avoid additional luggage costs.
According to the Mirror, Pieters claimed they wanted to save £59.99 ($127) on luggage fees, and a surcharge of £120 ($254) for exceeding the standard baggage weight limit on both their outbound and return flights, a combined total of £300 ($634).
